What Are the Advanced Dashboard Features Not Included With the Free Plans?

What Are the Advanced Dashboard Features Not Included With the Free Plans?

Customers often ask, “What are the advanced dashboard features that do not come with the Free SaaS Plan on the Veracity Learning Plans & Pricing page?” This article intends to answer this very question. It’s important to understand that this feature distinction specifically pertains to the Free Plans. Please see our Versions of Veracity Learning article to understand the additional feature differences between the On-Premises and Free (Lite) version.

In general, the same analytics and custom dashboard capabilities are available to all Veracity Learning SaaS account tiers. All SaaS customers have access to the same LRS Overview, Activity Overview, and Agent Overview default dashboards. All SaaS customers also have equal access to the custom dashboard authoring capabilities

Note: The advanced dashboard features that DO NOT come with the Free SaaS Plan are intended for enterprise-level customers with more advanced or complex dashboard requirements, or customers that need to aggregate Statement data with other resource data. 

The advanced dashboard features that DO NOT come with the Free Plan are listed below. 

In Population Editor - allows you to utilize additional operators for making queries (“is in the population” and “is not in the population”). See screen capture below for where this feature is available. 

Query Context Variables - allows you to make additional system information available as part of the query (e.g., user information, user profile, HTTP Header information). See screen capture below for where this feature is available.

Add Parameters to Dashboards - allows you to make a dashboard which can globally modify the filter criteria of all its charts. An embed link can include the values of the parameters in its query string, allowing a single dashboard embed to be reused while varying it's exact configuration. See screen capture below for where this feature is available. 

Dashboard Parameter Global Filters - allows you to add additional data pre-filters or global data filters on some extension or other data point. See screen capture below for where this feature is available.

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