Veracity Learning has many tools, features, and functions that users can exercise. While many of these features are available through the user interface, you may wish to automate some of the functionality of your LRS. You can accomplish this via the LRS API. Don't confuse this with the xAPI - the LRS API is not for collection learner performance data. Instead, you can use the LRS API to create and remove learners, lessons, and other data objects in the system, or to launch content.

API Keys

In order to talk to the API for your LRS, you'll first need to allocate a new API Key. This key should be placed in the x-veracity-api-key header of your HTTP request. Hits against the LRS API counts against your daily API call limit exactly as hits on the xAPI do.

To create an API key, navigate to "All Management Tools". Then, find the "API keys" link.

When you click this link, you'll get a page that allows you to create or delete API keys. Click on the green button to add a new API key.

From here, you can choose a name and a permission level. Choose the values you prefer from the form, and click OK. You can now use the API key to automate your LRS. We will generate a unique value for the key.

Connecting to the API

The API is available at This will change with the name of your LRS and the server options, if you are serving locally. You must place the value of your API key in a header. The name of the header should be x-veracity-api-key.

Using the API

In general, you can GET, PUT, POST or DELETE to the endpoints for each data model. Issuing a GET to the top level of the data model will allow search and pagination. Read the documentation below for the technical details.

LRS API Documentation

Click Here to view the complete LRS API Documentation using Swagger.

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