How Many Estimated xAPI Statements Are Available On Each Plan Tier?
The size of an xAPI statement can vary based on the learning record provider, if attachments are included in the statement, and several other factors. However, to assist with estimating your storage requirements, we typically use a range of 1KB to 2KB used per xAPI statement on average.
Taking this into account for the Veracity Learning Plans, the number of statements (estimated) in each plan is:
| Starter
| Pro
| SaaS Expert
| Saas Enterprise
| On-Prem
| White Label
| 100K-1M
| 1M-5M
| 5M-30M
| Varies Based on SaaS Infrastructure
| Varies Based on Customer's Infrastructure
| Varies Based on Customer's Infrastructure
Veracity Learning is available to try for free via our shared SaaS environment at
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