Content Format Support

Content Format Support

Veracity Launch supports most common eLearning package formats. Below are notes and considerations for each.


Veracity Launch can play back xAPI enabled content packages. Currently, content packages should support the "Tincan Launch" configuration protocol. In your authoring tool, in the xAPI configuration settings, look for "initialized at runtime" or "provided by LMS" or any similar language that indicates the content package expects the LMS to supply the xAPI credentials. xAPI statements are stored in an internal LRS, and are used by the content to indicate to Launch completion, score and success of the content. Most xAPI content will be hosted by our file servers ( as when you upload your packages to us ), but it is possible to play xAPI content hosed by another service, as long as it supports the Tincan Launch protocol.


SCORM is a very common legacy format for content packages. Veracity Launch can support single- or multi- SCO packages in the SCORM 1.2 or 2004 varieties. Veracity Launch does not support SCORM sequencing logic for mulit-sco packages. Instead, we mark the entire package complete when we have completion for each child SCO. The vast majority of packages exported from common tools will be single SCO packages, and should work exactly as expected. 

MP4 Video

Veracity Launch can serve video files to the user. We don't include any transcoding features, but our file servers do support video streaming and seeking functions. Video files will be played in an xAPI enabled web app that tracks detailed interactions. This data will be available to any integrated LRS. The video will only be marked as complete when the user has seen the entire content - skipping to the end of the video will not prompt a completion. 

We can track an external link as a content type. The content will be marked as complete when the user opens the target link. 

Other File Types

When you upload other types of files to Veracity Launch, we will present them directly to the learners browser. If the browser has built-in support for the file type, it will be displayed. Otherwise, the user will be prompted to download the file. The content will be marked as complete when the user views the file.

External Certificate

This content type also requests the user to view and external link, but also requires that they attest their completion and optionally upload their external certificate. 

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