

Setting Configuration Values

It's typical to use the .env file to store configuration settings.
These settings only apply to on site installations. When using a hosted SaaS plan, Veracity will manage the settings for your deployment. Contact support if you require modifications to the settings on your hosted instance.

You can set parameters using the --flag=value --flag2=value2 format. Each listed parameter can also be placed in a file called .env along side this executable. In the .env file, omit the `--` characters from the flag names, and separate the options with a new line. The same parameters (minus the `--`) can be set as environment variables. The order of precedence is command line flags override environment, environment overrides .env file, .env file overrides defaults.

Configuration values are sensitive and should be protected. 

Example Command Line:

$ ./lrs2 [--port 8080] --disableAccountCreation
$ ./lrs2 --help

Example .env file

  1. inProcessJobs=true
  2. selfServiceAccounts=false
  3. mongoServer=mongodb://localhost
  4. adminDBName=VTCLRS
  5. elasticSearchServer=
  7. port=80
  8. displayPort=80
  9. protocol=http
  10. domainRouting=false
  11. SERVER_SECRET=9bcf20cc-b326-4d6f-9691-8c384e5dfbf8

Required Settings

Most Veracity settings work well with their default values, and you should only change them if you have need to do so. Other settings are different for every installation, and need to be configured to match your IT environment. Below is a discussion of the common settings that all deployments will need to configure.


The host settings is the domain name where the LRS installation can be reached over the network. This should be a publicly routable DNS name, like, or If the LRS is contacted using some other address (for instance the bare server IP), the LRS will respond with an error. This address should NOT be a URL - it is just the DNS name. It is possible to use the server's bare IPV4 address in this field. This value is read from the host header of incoming HTTP requests, so you should be careful when running the server behind a proxy. If it is impossible to make your clients provide the correct http header, then you can disable the server's check of the value. To disable the host header check, set disableHostCheck to true. Note that when the LRS constructs links to itself, it will use the provided host value from it's configuration. If you disable the host header check, it is possible that the links the LRS constructs to itself (embeddable chart and dashboard links, the "more" link in an xAPI statement response, and others) may be incorrect. 

Below are examples of valid values
Below are examples of invalid values
  2. FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
  3. myhostname


This is the port number on which the server will actually listen. When running the LRS on a shared server that contains other web applications, you must be careful to select a port that is not in use by other software. This port will appear in all links displayed by the software, unless it is the default port for the chosen protocol. 


This is the external facing port that a client will use to access the system. Unless you are running a proxy, this will equal the port setting. If you are running a proxy, it will be the port on which the proxy listens for client connections.


This setting controls which protocol, HTTP or HTTPS,  the server will speak. For historical reasons, it also controls what protocol will be used to render links to the client. This setting should be either "https" or "http". 

When the setting is "http", the server will serve normal http on the selected port. Any config values for sslCert or sslKey will be ignored. Links printed into the UI will use the scheme "http://"

When the setting is "https" the server serve https only if their is a valid sslCert and sslKey setting. If these settings are blank, the server will serve http, but will print links to the client with "https://". This has some ramifications for running the server behind a proxy


Veracity uses MongoDB as the primary database. The server will not start up without a functioning MongoDB connection. If the database connection cannot be established, the LRS will fail, recycle and try again until the database becomes available. The MongoDB  connection string contains information about the location of the server, the credentials to use to connect, and settings related to the database connection. The mongoServer should NOT include a database name, or trailing slash. 

  1. mongodb://localhost
  2. mongodb://
  3. mongodb+srv://


This is the name of the database in which the LRS will store all data unrelated to an individual tenant. 2 different installations of Veracity may share a single MongoDB connection by using different admin databases. 


This setting is the connection string to Elasticsearch. Connecting to Elasticsearch is optional. Because the default of this setting is "http://localhost:9200", you must explicitly set the value to nothing in order to disable the Elastic connection. 


This is a key that is used for various encryption functions internal to the LRS. This should be a random string of characters. In a multi-server environment, each server should share the same random value. Changing this setting will log out all users. 

  1. http://elastic:w3FKZHaoREVf4EA8S6yf@localhost:9200
  2. http://localhost:9200

Outgoing Email 

Veracity can send emails to verify user accounts and support password reset. The system can also notify the administrator in the case of an unexpected restart of the software ( usually caused by an error). To configure outgoing email, all of the following settings must be populated. Veracity currently supports only SMTP for outgoing messages. 

Some STMP processors require that the "system_email_from" address be from a validated address. Check with your SMTP provider.

Setting Name

This is the email address that will appear in the "from" field
This is the password for the given SMTP server
This is the URL of the SMTP server. For example -
This address is used to sent notifications to the system administrator
The username used to access the SMTP server

All five of the above settings must be populated to enable outgoing email. You can verify that outgoing email is configured by checking the "current configuration" page from the administrative tools

Serving SSL

Veracity can serve over SSL, given appropriate certificates. To configure Veracity to serve over SSL you must set the follow fields. The below configuration assumes there is no proxy between the LRS and the wider network.

Setting Name
should be "https"
This is the port that the LRS actually listens on. Generally this would be 443 for SSL
When not behind a proxy, the displayPort should match the port value 
This is the path (relative to the working directory) to the SSL certificate file. This file should be in the PEM format, and may contain additional chained certificates. For example: testcerts/certificate.crt
This is the private key associated with the certificate in the .crt file.   This file should be in the PEM format. For example: testcerts/privatekey.key

Example certificate and key files are provided in the article attachments

Serving Behind a Proxy 

Some organizations will choose to use another webserver to proxy HTTP to the LRS. This is useful in a case where you wish for more granular control over the HTTP requests, such as to set specific SSL configurations, to add additional headers, or for logging purposes. There are several considerations when running the LRS behind a proxy. 

SSL termination

One common use case is to configure the proxy to terminate the SSL connection to the client, and form a regular HTTP connection to the LRS. In this scenario, the LRS needs to know that the end user is seeing an SSL connection, even when the LRS is not serving SSL. Set the protocol setting to "https", but leave sslCert and sslKey blank. 

Streaming and file sizes 

The LRS has many functions intended to work for arbitrarily large data sizes, such as database backup or xAPI statement JSON upload. It's important to prevent your proxy server from buffering requests and responses, or some data loads my exceed the buffer limits and fail. Additionally, some data is streamed down to the client as it is processed. The software is designed such that most long running exports of reports or xAPI statements should begin downloading immediately, and new bytes are returned to the client as they are available. With buffering enabled in your proxy, no bytes will be returned to the client until the entire export completes. This can cause the client to abort the connection after no bytes are received in a given time, thus making it impossible to retrieve long running reports. 


The LRS uses a Websocket connection to update various portions of the UI. While websockets are optional, it's important that the server understand whether or not to expect websockets to work. If enableWebsockets is set to "true", then the proxy must be configured to forward websocket connections to the LRS. If this is not possible, be sure to set enableWebsockets to "false".

HTTP Headers

The LRS will examine the incoming Host header to determine that the end client accessed the site from the expected domain. Set your proxy to echo the host header as received from the client, not to overwrite the header with the internal network host value. 

If you've set secureCookie to true, you'll need to inform the system that the upstream proxy is trusted. To do so, set a header on the HTTP request called "X-Forwarded-Proto" and make the value "https". This will inform the LRS server that the incoming connection was secure, and thus the server will obey the secureCookie setting.

In order for the LRSs inbuilt brute force protection to work, the IP address of the end client needs to be known to the server. Brute force protection is keyed by the incoming IP address, so a client hitting the login URL repeatedly will be throttled. Since the throttle is controlled by the IP, other clients are not affected by the delay. If the LRS sees the upstream proxy as in incoming IP, then one client may cause all clients to be slowed down, and users may experience a message telling them to wait to log in. To inform the LRS of the actual client IP, not the proxy's IP, set the header "X-Forwarded-For" to the actual client IP address. 


One reason to run the LRS behind a proxy is to use the same webserver to host multiple applications. Set the setting webRoot to be a path on your server, and configure your proxy to forward only those paths to the LRS application. 

Example nGinX location block

  1. location /
  2.                 {
  3.                         proxy_pass http://localhost:3005/;
  4.                         proxy_set_header Host            $host;
  5.                         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  6.                         proxy_http_version 1.1;
  7.                         proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  8.                         proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
  9.                         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
  10.                         proxy_buffering                 off;
  11.                         proxy_request_buffering off;
  12.                         proxy_read_timeout              18000s;
  13.                         proxy_send_timeout              18000s;
  14.                 }


Veracity writes all log events to the process stdout stream. Your process or service control system is responsible form writing this information to disk, a database, or otherwise storing the events. Some, but not all, events are also written into a logs collection in the MongoDB database, and can be viewed from the administrative UI. There are 4 settings that control how the log information is structured.

Setting Name
This is the logging verbosity. Either "debug", "info", "warning", or "error"
Either "human" or "lines". Some log management tools generate separate events for each newline in the output stream. In human mode, some data from single events is formatted to display on multiple lines, which can break such tools. Set the logFormat to lines to strip newlines from log events.
This is a comma separated list of log subsystem sources to display. This is useful when trying to isolate or debug specific components of the system
The LRS will normally use  ANSI terminal colors to display information. Set this to true to disable all color output. Some systems are not capable of displaying this color, and will show many unicode escape characters instead of the coloring, making it difficult to view the logs. 

Configuring a process control system to forward logs is beyond the scope of this documentation. 

Log Format

Each line of a logged event is formatted in 4 fixed width columns. The first column is the ID of the worker thread that sent the message. The second is the message level - how important the message is. The third column is the log source - which sub system generated the message. The logs can be filtered by both the source and level with the logSource and logLevel settings. The remainder of the line is the raw string of the message. This may or may not include formatted text or JSON data.

[M] info plugins Found Plugin Dashboard C:\Development\vtc2\lrs2\plugins\netc-dashboards\dashboards\instructor\navyInstructorActivities.js
[M] info plugins Found Plugin Dashboard C:\Development\vtc2\lrs2\plugins\netc-dashboards\dashboards\student\netcStudentActivities.js
[M] info websock Starting socket server
[M] info system Listening on 3005
[M] info system Startup Complete
[M] info audit System System Start
[M] info audit UI GET /lrs/test-buck/content/create/
[M] info audit ACCESS lrs.content.create 640741e6240cc64d0857566f lrs.js true


Audit logging is an Enterprise feature.

Enterprise users can activate granular logging of many system events. These events will be printed into the server logs under the "audit" log source. The audit logger is a built-in, system level plugin. It can be configured to log the follow event categories

Event Type
UI requests
This setting will cause the audit logger to save all HTTP requests to the UI, including the method, path and any logged in user
xAPI requestsThis setting will cause the audit logger to save all HTTP requests to the xAPI, including the method and path, and query
LRS API requests
This setting will cause the audit logger to save all HTTP requests to the LRS management APIs
System API
This setting will cause the audit logger to save all HTTP requests to the System management API
System ODM events
Log all system level data model changes. All DB entities will report created, modify and delete events for the specific entity type and ID
LRS ODM events
Log all LRS level data model changes. All DB entities will report created, modify and delete events for the specific entity type and ID and LRS
User events
Users account events such as created, deleted, locked, unlocked, password reset, login, logout
This system will record all access control checks including what permission was requested, by who, on what entity and what was the outcome
Permissions Set
The system will record all modifications to permissions, including what permissions were granted and revokes, by whom, to whom, on what entity
External Connections
The system reached out to another server for some purpose. The log will contain the purpose, host/url, protocol and remote IP. 

Self Service User Accounts

This section describes topics related to allowing users to manage their own accounts. This includes password reset, LRS creation, and account creation. Generally, an Enterprise install will be configured for only the system administrator to create LRS and user accounts. It is possible to configure the system to allow self registration and LRS creation. 

Self service account creation and password reset requires outgoing email to be enabled.

The below table shows the recommended settings for an enterprise deployment. This will allow existing accounts to request password reset emails. Users may not self register to the system, and users may not create their own LRSs. To allow specific users to create or access an LRS, use the system level permission system.

Setting Name
Recommended value
(empty string)

The system can also be configured into a more permissive state, where users can create accounts for themselves and create their own LRS. This configuration supports a SaaS deployment similar to ours at 

Enterprise customers should restrict network access to the LRS when in this state to prevent unauthorized users from creating accounts and LRSs
Enterprise customers are prohibited from charging for access to their LRS. Contact Veracity for the exact terms of the Enterprise license.

Setting NameRecommended value

All Settings 

Setting Name
Data Type
INSTALL_NAMEServer SetupString
A name for this installation. Used for reporting functions in a multi server install.
SERVER_NAMEServer SetupString
A name for this server. This will render in the footer. Useful for understanding multi server environments
SERVER_SECRETBasicsYou must change thisString
A value used for various encryption functions. Should be the same between all servers in an installation.
The database name to the system level tenant info database.
adminNotifyUpdatesServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Notify the Admin when updates are available
The email address that identifies the admin user. This value is informational only - to change the actual use --setAdminUser=true
The password for the admin user. DO NOT PLACE THIS IN THE .ENV file. Use the command line with --setAdminUser=true
The time in MS before the client is signaled that the processor is working, and to try back later
autoIndexRebuildLimitLimits and Rates30000Number
When indexes are stale, LRSs with less than this many statements will be automatically upgraded.
This key is used to encrypt LRS backups.
bruteFreeRetriesLimits and Rates25Number
The number of free retries before the brute force prevention logic start limiting the client.
clientRequestQueueSizeServer Setup10Number
How many concurrent commands can each LRS execute per worker: Default: 10
The name of the environment file to use. Defaults to .env
Debugging console output (this is overcome by logLevel)
defaultUserPermissionsServer Setupadmin.lrs.createString
The default global permissions for users. This is overridden by any specific permissions configuration on a user
Prevent account creation.
Disable caching of the results for the analytics dashboards
disableHostCheckServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Disable checking the host header against the configured host setting.
Prevent the execution of plugins
disableResetPasswordFeedbackServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Prevent the reset password function from displaying any feedback about account status.
disableSSRFprotectionServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Allow the server to form connections to internal IP addresses
The user facing port. This can differ from the `port` setting if there is a proxy server.
Whether or not your server will use domain based routing. This means that the xAPI address will be, or
When determining if an ElasticSearch index is `healthy`, it must have this ratio of statements to the MongoDB count.
elasticReconnectTimeoutAnalytics30 secondsHumanInterval
A when a connection to ES fails, how long should the server wait before trying again? (as a human interval, i.e "1 minute")
The full URL to the ElasticSearch server. Please be sure to use version 7.x of ElasticSearch
A timeout for ElasticSearch Queries
Password on the outgoing email server
The address of the SMTP server that the system will use to send emails.
The email address at which the system can reach the system administrator
Username on the outgoing email server
enableWebsocketsServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Enable the websocket system for dynamic front end features. You must either use a MongodDB replicaSet or set the workers setting to 1
enforcePasswordComplexityServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Require complex passwords
How are dynamic extensions treated? "true" for regular ES dynamic mapping or "runtime" to use runtime mapping.
Should xAPI extensions be included in the Elasticsearch mapping? This can cause document rejection if you have many different extensions in a dataset.
The maximum length beyond which similar strings will be assumed the same in the Elasticsearch mapping
expireMoreLinksAfterServer Setup86400000Number
When to purge the More links from the xAPI
fileUploadSizeLimitLimits and Rates100000000Number
The maximum size in bytes for a content package upload
forcePortalLaunchCookieServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Require the portal cookie, even for cross domain content
fullTextQueryLimitLimits and Rates100Number
The limit of results for full text searches in the statement viewer.
generateStatementsIterationsLimits and Rates30Number
The number of iterations for the statement generation function.
globalMongoTimeoutLimits and Rates10000Number
A global timeout for MongoDB transactions.
The public facing DNS or IP of the server.
Should this server process the async job queue?
inactiveAccountDisableLimits and RatesHumanInterval
A human interval like `30 years` or `eight weeks`. The amount of time where a user account will be locked if the user does not log in.
jobFrequencyServer Setup30 secondsHumanInterval
How frequently should the server check for new async jobs in the job pool. Uses a `human interval` like `30 seconds` or `5 minutes`
jsonPostLimitLimits and Rates100kbString
the max size allowed in typical JSON post calls, excluding statement import. example: 100kb, 1mb, 10gb. Default, 100kb
licenseServer SetupString
The license key string provided to you by your sales POC.
lockAfterFailedLoginAttemptsServer Setup0Number
Lock accounts after X failed login attempts. User 0 to disable
A log formatter. "human" or "lines"
Set the log level, either trace,debug,info,warn,error, or fatal
a list of log sources to display. Blank for all
maxVQLWindowSizeLimits and Rates10000Number
The maximum number of results returned from any VQL query
maximumPasswordLifetimeServer SetupHumanInterval
force the password from being changed after this period has elapsed. . Human Interval
minimumPasswordLifetimeServer SetupHumanInterval
prevent the password from being changed again before this period has elapsed. Human Interval
The full connection string to the Mongo DB server
no-colorServer SetupStringBool
Disable console colors
passwordHashIterationsServer Setup10000Number
How many times are passwords hashed. Don't change this after install!
passwordRetentionCountLimits and Rates5Number
Users may not reuse a password for this many generations
The actual port that the system will listen on.
The user facing protocol. Note that server will serve with HTTP if this is HTTP, and HTTPS only if this is HTTPS and the SSLKey and SSLCert are set
rateLimitWindowLimits and Rates86400Number
The amount of time in seconds that the transaction limit is enforced over.
rebuildStatementsUILimitLimits and Rates50000Number
recaptcha_site_keyServer SetupString
The site key for Googles Recaptcha system. Leave this blank to disable captchas.
secureCookieServer SetupFALSEStringBool
Set the secure flag on the cookies.
Can users sign up for an account on their own?
sessionTimeoutServer Setup0Number
A timeout for the session cookie. Use a number of milliseconds
Update the database to reflect the values stored in --admin_email and --admin_pass. Do not place the password in the env file. Use the command like to pass it.
Simulate additional latency for all non static routes
sslCertServer SetupString
The path (relative to CWD) to the SSL certificate file. Only used when `protocol` is HTTPS
sslKeyServer SetupString
The path (relative to CWD) to the SSL key file. Only used when `protocol` is HTTPS
statementDefaultLimitLimits and Rates300Number
The default number of statements when `limit` is not set in the xAPI.
statementMaxLimitLimits and Rates10000Number
The max `limit` that the server will support in the xAPI.
systemMongoConnectionPoolSizeServer Setup100Number
How many connections to the DB can the system: Default: 100
The address that will appear in the `from` field when the server sends an email.
Test Timeout
A root path that all LRS functions will use
workersLimits and Rates0Number
The number of processors to use. If unset (or set to 0), will use the number of logical cores on the server. Lite mode limits to 1.
xapiAttachmentSizeLimitLimits and Rates1000000Number
The maximum size in bytes for an xAPI attachment

Server Setup

*New in 1.14* a path (either absolute or relative to the CWD) to a file of newline delimited passwords that should be blacklisted (user cannot choose these passwords)

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